How to be a great leader

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How to be a great leader

There are various leaders in football, such as your captain, your coach, and your teammates.

However, how do you become a great leader and why is this important?

Leadership is important because it sets a great example and can improve the standards in a team.


 A great leader can inspire their teammates to work harder, train better and ultimately improve their performance.


A great leader can also inspire confidence and motivation, tapping into the psychological side of your game, not just the technical.


Here’s 3 ways you can be a good leader:


1. Encourage and uplift your teammates, in good and bad times - it’s easy to encourage players when times are going well, but it’s important to uplift your teammates when they’re struggling on the field too.


2. Set a good example - arriving to training on time, giving your all during training and matches, and going above and beyond for the team are hallmarks of a great leader.


3. Create a team bond - a good leader will encourage team unity and create a good environment within the team.


Who do you know in your life who is a good leader?


See you tomorrow for training at Regents Park!


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The Habits Competition

Regents Park FC

Dec 19, 2023