Your Personal Season Review

Your Personal Season Review

With 2 weeks of easter approaching, now is a great time to reflect on your season at Regents and evaluate what went well, what you would like to improve upon, and what can you achieve in the last term of the season?

After Easter the league and cups will more or less be finished for the season, but we will have 12-14 weeks of training during summer term to work on your skills.


The Positives:


It’s really important that you can look at the positives of this season. Were there any skills you got better at? Did you score more goals? It can also be a psychological improvement, such as feeling more confident when on the pitch.




What’s 1-3 things in your game you would like to improve on? Think back to your matches you played in. Sometimes we can be great in training, but we can’t always repeat this in games. Think about technical skills, or tactical elements such as positioning etc.


Final Term of the season:


With these improvements in mind, you now have 12-14 sessions left of the season. It could be a good idea to set yourself a target for every 4 weeks. E.g, can you improve your habit score by 10% in 4 weeks? Can you score 3 more goals in training over the course of 4 weeks? It’s also good to carry on striving to improve upon things you are already good at.


We hope you have a Happy Easter. To sign up for our Easter Camps, please use the link below and we will look forward to seeing you there:


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Regents Park FC

Dec 19, 2023